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CBSE Class 10 English First Flight Fire and Ice Poem Summary & Notes

Fire & Ice poem Class X English First Flight

Chapter 1 of the CBSE Class 10 English Book, ‘First Flight’, has two poems. The second one is called Fire and Ice by Robert Frost. Here’s a simple summary of the poem.

Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRW8IHff0eU&t=488s

CBSE Class 10 English Fire and Ice Summary

“Fire and Ice” is a short poem by Robert Frost that explores the idea of the eventual end of the world either through fire or ice. In the poem, Fire and Ice are compared to the destructive emotions of humans. Just as people can’t always control their desires and are often consumed by them, the poem suggests that the world will meet its end due to these forces. People work towards their desires, but the more they pursue them, the more entangled they become. As a result, they never find satisfaction and end up ruining their lives. Similarly, the poet believes that fire and ice will ultimately bring about the world’s destruction.

Fire and Ice Poem Explanation

We’ve also included the poem below to make it easier for students to understand. This way, they can read the poem and its meaning together.

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.


In the poem, the poet presents two possible scenarios for the end of the world. Some believe it will end by fire, while others argue it ends by ice. Initially, the poet leans towards the idea of fire due to its association with raging and passionate desires. However, upon further thinking, the poet acknowledges that ice, like fire, has the power to bring about destruction if the world were to perish twice.

The poet draws a comparison between fire and ice and the self-destructive nature of human beings. Fire symbolizes desires, greed, and lust, which have no limits. The more humans pursue these emotions, the more they spread rapidly, the same as fire. These feelings often consume individuals, leading them to become selfish and cruel. Furthermore, ice represents the cold, harsh, and indifferent side of human emotions. People become rigid and uncaring towards the feelings of others, focusing solely on their own needs. The poet implies that with the rapid growth of both fire and ice, the end of the world is near by either of them. The poem expresses the idea that human emotions have immense power over individuals. Without control, these emotions can lead to self-destruction and chaos.

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