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GATE 2023 – Last 2 Months Preparation Strategy by GKP

GATE 2023 exam strategy books

The GATE 2023 is going to commence in February and this is the ideal time to turn you’re ‘A’ game on to make the most out of these 2 months. By now, you all must have been thorough with your exam syllabus and now you need to brush it up and set your priorities right.

Starting from revising the syllabus numerous times, solving mocks and practice papers should be one’s focus area in these 2 months.

Analyze where you stand

The last 2 month’s strategy solely depends on the level you’re at. As someone who has been preparing for the past 6 months or so then it should not be a worrisome affair to you and simple revision including reading out the glossaries, practicing questions from the past years’ papers, practice papers and mock tests should do the task.

You should segregate the chapters into- weak and strong, don’t spend your time on your weak topics until or unless you’re sure they are very important.

In the other case if you are someone who is going to start your preparation now for some reason then you should be managing your time really carefully.

Make notes of everything you study so that they permanently stick into your mind. In both cases, there’s one thing that is common, the previous years’ solved papers are really helpful for the aspirant to get the hang of the exam pattern, weightage, and the type of questions asked.

GKP being a veteran in publishing content for the GATE exam has an extremely wide variety of content for all the branches. The material is ideal for you to prepare, even if you are a well-prepared aspirant or just starting your preparation journey.

We have study guides, topic-wise, chapter-wise, and complete solved papers along with mocks and practice tests, which you can check out below.

We hope that these 2 left months will serve as a game changer in your preparation and you’ll be able to land into your dream institute of technology.

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