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NTA UGC (NET/SET/JRF ) 2021: Paper 1- Teaching & Research Aptitude 2nd Edition by T.S. Sodhi

Original price was: ₹550.Current price is: ₹467.

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Second edition of this book has been duly updated while considering the examination needs of the aspirants. Besides covering the latest syllabus of NET paper 1, latest National Policy of Education 2020, along with related MCQs, has been fully covered in this edition.

Various updated vital facts from ICT, Teaching Aptitude, People, Development and Environment, Higher Education have been introduced as a signature content to facilitate learning and understanding of the aspirants as these are important as per latest examination pattern.

This edition lucidly covers all ten units of NET paper 1 with a simple, absorbing and self-explanatory approach in accessible language.

Logical reasoning has been explained with suitable Venn diagrams and sketches. Every topic of each unit has been discussed as an independent chapter followed by sufficient number of MCQs in the style and language asked in NTA exam.

Free online tests have been uploaded to give sufficient practice to aspirants thus boosting their confidence and strengthen their grip over the concepts.

Online tests have been framed strictly on the latest exam pattern. The book will serve as a panacea not only for NET aspirants but also for aspirants for other competitive exams.

Book Key Features:
1) Exclusive coverage of all chapters
2) Concepts are supported by suitable examples and illustrations
3) Qualitative approach has been used to frame MCQs
4) Each theory chapter has separate section of MCQs on Assertion-Reason
5) Separate chapter on ICT Number System

Additional information

Book author

T.S. Sodhi

Book publisher

CL Educate (Publication Division)

Book language


Publishing month


Publishing year


Total pages



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