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Properties of Refrigerant & Psychometric Chart by GKP


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This book is an informative resource that extensively covers the fundamental features of the Refrigerant and Psychometric Chart. The book starts by explaining the properties of refrigerants, such as their low boiling point, high heat transfer coefficient, and non-toxic and non-flammable nature.

The book also discusses the different types of refrigerants and their applications in cooling systems. In addition, the book provides an in-depth explanation of the Psychometric Chart, a graphical representation of the properties of moist air.

It details the various parameters that can be determined using the chart, including temperature, humidity, and air pressure, as well as how to predict the behaviour of moist air using the chart.

Overall, this book is an excellent resource for engineers, technicians, and students interested in understanding the basics of Refrigerant and Psychometric charts, and their applications.

It provides a comprehensive and detailed explanation of these topics, making it a valuable reference for anyone working in the field.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 28 × 21 × 3 cm
Book author

GK Publications (GKP)

Book publisher

CL Educate (Publication Division)

Book language


Publishing month


Publishing year


Total pages



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