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SSC Constable GD 2022: CBT Exam Date Announced

SSC Constable GD 2022

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to conclude the recruitment process soon for 24369 Constable (GD) posts in CAPFs, SSF, Assam Rifles, and Sepoy. The selection process comprises stages like Computer Based Examination (CBE), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), Medical Examination, and Document Verification.

Those Candidates who are interested can apply online through the official website at ssc.nic.in.

SSC GD Constable Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification: The candidates should be 10th class passed from a recognized Board/ University.

Age Limit: 18 to 23 years. Candidates should not have been born earlier than 02-01-2000 and later than 01-01-2005

SSC GD Constable Computer-Based Exam Pattern 2022

Candidates must go through the SSC GD Constable exam pattern before starting their preparation to know the paper format and marking scheme defined by the commission. The SSC GD Constable exam pattern for Computer Based Test is shared below:

  • The computer-based test consists of Objective Multiple Choice Type questions.
  • The medium of the question paper will be in English and Hindi only.
  • As per the SSC GD Constable, each question carries 2 marks and there shall be a negative marking of 0.50 marks for each incorrect answer.
SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksExam Duration
General Intelligence & Reasoning204060 min
General Knowledge & General Awareness2040
Elementary Mathematics2040

SSC GD Constable Syllabus

SubjectSSC GD Constable Topics
General Intelligence and ReasoningAnalogies Arithmetic Number series,  Non-verbal series Spatial orientation Similarities and differences Spatial visualization Visual memory Coding and Decoding, etc
General Knowledge and General AwarenessSports Economic Scene General Polity Geography History Culture Indian Constitution, Scientific Research, etc.
Elementary MathematicsNumber Systems Fundamental arithmetical operations Percentages Profit and Loss Discount Computation of Whole Numbers Decimals and Fractions and the relationship between Numbers Ratio and Proportion Interest Ratio and Time Mensuration Time and Distance Averages Time and Work, etc.
English/ HindiSpot the Error Para jumbles Antonyms Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words Fill in the Blanks Synonyms/Homonyms Idioms & Phrases One Word Substitution Active/Passive Voice Improvement of Sentences Reading Comprehension, etc

SSC GD Constable Physical Efficiency Test

Candidates who clear the Physical Standard Test will be eligible for the Physical Efficiency Test. In this stage, both male and female candidates will be put to a test. The conducting body will test if candidates are fit enough for the post by conducting a running race. The details of the test are as follows.

Race5 Kms in 24 minutes.1.6 Kms in 8 ½ minutesFor candidates other than those belonging to Ladakh Region.
1.6 Kms in 6 ½ minutes800 metres in 4 minutesFor candidates of Ladakh Region.

SSC GD Constable Physical Standards Test

Once you clear the Computer Based Exam, the shortlisted candidates will be called for the Physical Standard test and Physical efficiency test. These tests are performed to check the physical fitness of the candidates. These will be conducted for both male and female candidates.

The Physical Standards Test will be the first stage of the selection process. Check the details below.

SSC GD Constable Physical Standards Test
HeightMale170 cm
Female157 cm
ChestMaleExpanded 80 cm Minimum Expansion of 5 cm
WeightMale & FemaleProportionate as per the height and medical standard of the candidates.

The candidates who are declared not qualified in Physical Standards, i.e. height and chest may prefer an appeal on the same day to the Appellate Authority nominated for the Centre through Presiding Officer (PO). The decision of the Appellate Authority will be final and no further appeal or representation in this regard will be entertained thereafter. There is no appeal in PET (Race).

SSC GD Constable Medical Test

Candidates who pass all three stages (CBE, PST, and PET) are eligible for the medical exam. During the medical test, they will be tested for eyesight and other physical ailments. Only after meeting the specified criteria, the candidates will be eligible to take up SSC GD Constable posts.

Physical and Mental Health

The candidate must not possess physical ailments such as knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein, or squint in the eyes.

The candidate must be mentally sound and physically fit. Any sort of physical obligation that can be an obstacle to the duty can be liable to rejection.

Eye Sight

The minimum near vision should be N6 (better eye) and N9 (worse eye).

The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 (better eye) and 6/9 (worse eye) of both eyes without any correction like wearing glasses or surgery of any kind to improve visual acuity.

SSC GD Constable Salary

Sepoy – Rs.18,000 to 56,900

Other Posts – Rs. 21,700-69,100

Some SSC GD Important Dates:

Starting Date to Apply Online: 27-10-2022

Last Date to Apply Online: 30-11-2022 up to 23:00 Hrs

Last date and time for generation of Offline Challan: 30-11-2022 up to 23:00 Hrs

Last date and time for making online fee payment: 01-12-2022 up to 23:00 HRS

Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 01-12-2022

Schedule of Computer-Based Examination: 10-01 to 14-02-2023

SSC GD Constable 2022 Books

To get selected for the SSC GD Constable exam, candidates must start their preparation well in advance. Checkout out below:

SSC GD Constable books that cover all the topics fr n om the SSC GD syllabus.

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